
Welcome to “WCCN-OpportunityStreet”!

Here you’ll find in future a multitude of WCCN offerings, lined up like houses along a street. These ‘houses’ serve as centres for diverse musical opportunities, and behind their doors, you’ll discover targeted content to help expand your skills.

Please take note that our street will grow not only in length but also in the expansion of the houses themselves – which are continuously being developed and consistently renovated.

Our ‘OpportunityStreet’ will become an ever-evolving landscape of learning, providing you with a dynamic journey through the world of choral musical education. Join us as we embark on this path of growth and exploration.

Under construction – would you like to move in here with your offer? – CONTACT

Centre for Guidance and Support
Rooms: Mentoring Programs/ Inspiring Outreach / Monthly Conductor’s Online Consultation…

Centre for Choral Practice
Rooms: Rehearsal Techniques / Intonation Mastery / Dynamics and Expression / Blend and Balance / Performance Mastery / Choreography…

Centre for Digital Resources and Research
Rooms: Research Archives / Library Resources / Online Newsletters / Blog Hub…

Centre for the Conductor Choir for Peace
Rooms: Global Song Repertoire / Cultural Exchange Workshops / Collaborative Performances…

Centre for Choral Genres and Styles
Rooms: Children & Youth Choir Pedagogy / Women’s Choir / Men’s Choir / Mixed Choir / Senior Choir – Classical / Contemporary / Jazz / Barbershop…

Centre for Cultural Exchange
Rooms: Collaborative Cross-Border Networkin

Centre for Choral Literature
Rooms: Recommended Reads / Composer Insights / Literary Visuals…

Centre for Vocal Mastery
Rooms: Vocal Techniques & Training / Harmonic Overtone Exploration…

Centre for Diversity, Inclusion, and Unity
Rooms: Celebrating Humanitarian Values / Fostering Tolerance and Harmony / Creating Unity through Music…

Centre for Wellbeing and Health
Rooms: Physical Fitness / Time Management / Mental Wellness / Rest and Recovery…

Centre for Events, Exchange, and Collaboration
Rooms: Symposia and Workshops / Special Guest Lectures / Music Festivals and Gatherings