§1 Name, Registered Office, and Scope of Activities
- The association is named WORLD CHORAL CONDUCTING NETWORK (WCCN). Upon registration in the association register, it will add the suffix e. V.
- WCCN is based in Menden, Germany.
- WCCN operates globally and can accept members from all countries.
- WCCN is independent. WCCN is not affiliated with any political parties, religious, or philosophical communities. WCCN acts on its own responsibility and conducts its activities within the framework of applicable laws and without any political, religious, or philosophical orientation.
- The fiscal year is the calendar year.
- All matters not expressly regulated in these statutes shall be governed by the applicable legal provisions in Germany.
§2 Purpose
- WCCN operates altruistically and pursues exclusively, and directly charitable purposes as defined in the section ‘Tax-Privileged Purposes’ of the tax code applicable in Germany.
- The purpose of WCCN is to strengthen and promote the choral conducting profession worldwide and to highlight its significance within global society and the musical community. Specifically, WCCN is dedicated to the targeted promotion of all choir conductors, singing group leaders, and those interested in choral conducting. This purpose is achieved through a multitude of measures that can be implemented both online and physically. These measures include, among others:
a. Supporting choir conductors, singing group leaders, those interested in choral conducting, associations, clubs, organizations, and institutions in their training and further education.
b. Promoting the exchange of experiences, musical expertise, therapeutic content, inclusion, and integration in the field of choral conducting and singing group leadership.
c. Organizing and conducting symposia, workshops, seminars, coaching sessions, mentoring programs, as well as other events and educational measures in the areas of choral conducting and singing group leadership.
d. Encouraging collaboration between choir conductors, singing group leaders, those interested in choral conducting, associations, clubs, organizations, and institutions on both national and international levels.
e. Carrying out additional initiatives, projects, and outreach programs to promote choral music, especially choral conducting, such as establishing libraries, publishing scientific works, documentaries or journals, composition projects, and more.
f. Targeted public relations, including PR campaigns, media appearances, informative websites, and social media channels that strengthen the reputation of choral conducting and enhance the appreciation of the profession within the global community.
§3 Membership
- Members of WCCN can be natural persons, legal entities of private and public law, as well as other associations such as institutions, clubs, and federations, regardless of their nationality or legal form, who support the objectives and principles of WCCN. This applies both on a national and international level.
- Admission as a member requires a written application, which can either be informal with the necessary information or online via the form provided on the website.
- The WCCN Steering Committee or an Admissions Committee appointed by it, consisting of up to 5 members, decides on the admission of members. The decision will be communicated to the member in writing, and they can object in writing within 10 days of the notification. The final decision on admission is then made by the next general membership meeting.
- Furthermore, the WCCN Steering Committee can award honorary memberships upon written application. Honorary memberships can be granted to individuals who have distinguished themselves through exceptional services in worldwide choral work or for WCCN. Honorary members are treated in terms of their rights and privileges just like members.
- Membership in WCCN ends by withdrawal, expulsion, loss of civil honors, dissolution of the legal entity, or death.
- Resignation from WCCN is possible through a written declaration to the WCCN Steering Committee. It is only permissible at the end of a fiscal year, adhering to a three-month notice period.
- A member can be excluded by resolution of the WCCN Steering Committee if they violate the ethics rules, harm the interests of WCCN, or are in arrears with their contributions despite written reminders. The decision will be communicated to the member in writing, and they can object in writing within 10 days of the notification. The final decision on expulsion will then be made by the next general membership meeting. Membership is suspended until the decision.
- Membership in WCCN comes with a fee. (§8)
§4 Bodies and Basic Provisions
- WCCN consists of the following bodies:
a. The WCCN General Assembly of Members.
b. The WCCN Steering Committee.
c. The WCCN Operations Committee.
- The meetings of the bodies can be held both physically and online, with each method considered equivalent.
- Resolutions of the bodies can be made physically, in writing, or electronically, provided that all members have been informed in due time about the content of the resolution and can vote. All methods are considered equivalent.
- Invitations and official correspondence can be transmitted electronically. The time of sending is considered the time of delivery. Members must be technically equipped to receive electronic communications.
- WCCN allows elections and votes in person, in writing, online, and in advance online. The procedures are defined in an electoral regulation, which can be modified by the General Assembly of Members. Online votes are just as valid as in-person or assembly votes.
§5 The WCCN General Assembly
- The WCCN General Assembly of Members is the supreme body of the association.
- It takes place once a year. WCCN can also hold extraordinary member meetings if circumstances require or if at least 10 members request it in writing to the WCCN Steering Committee. An extraordinary member meeting must take place within 8 weeks of the application being submitted.
- The invitation is issued by the WCCN Steering Committee in written form, observing a notice period of four weeks before the meeting (see also §4.4). The invitation will specify the agenda, date, time, and, if the meeting is held in person, the exact location. If the meeting is held online, the invitation must include additional information on access and technical requirements for participation.
- All members are eligible to participate and vote.
- The responsibilities of the WCCN General Assembly of Members – under the leadership of a member of the WCCN Operations Committee – include: a. Election of the WCCN Steering Committee. b. Receiving annual reports and the financial report. c. Discharging the WCCN Steering Committee. d. Determining the membership fee. e. Amending the statutes. f. Dissolving the WCCN association. g. Deciding on changes to rules of procedure that regulate the operation and procedures of the entire association. h. Deciding on objections to admissions or expulsions.
- At a WCCN General Assembly of Members, at least 10% of the total membership must be present to be deemed quorate. If this quorum is not reached, the chairperson of the meeting can at their discretion still continue the meeting and handle the agenda. The resolutions made have a provisional character and must be finally confirmed by the entire membership in a subsequent meeting with sufficient attendance. Alternatively, written approval for the provisional resolutions can be given after the corresponding minutes are delivered. If no feedback is given within the given period after sending the minutes, it is automatically deemed as approval and ratification of the provisional resolutions.
- The WCCN General Assembly of Members passes resolutions with a simple majority of the votes cast. For resolutions regarding statute amendments and the dissolution of the WCCN association, a majority of three-quarters of the votes cast is required.
- Minutes must be drawn up of the resolutions of the WCCN General Assembly of Members and must be signed by the chairperson of the meeting and the minute-taker.
- The WCCN General Assembly of Members can undertake additional tasks and responsibilities in accordance with legal provisions and the statutes of the association.
§6 The WCCN Steering Committee
- The WCCN Steering Committee is the strategic and executive body of the association. It represents WCCN externally and decides on all matters not expressly reserved for the WCCN General Assembly of Members and the executive WCCN Operations Committee.
- The WCCN Steering Committee consists of at least 8 and up to 20 members, elected by the WCCN General Assembly of Members. The members of the WCCN Steering Committee are elected for a term of 3 years. Re-election is permissible. If a member leaves the WCCN Steering Committee prematurely, the remaining WCCN Steering Committee is entitled to appoint a new member for the duration of the electoral period on an interim basis.
- The WCCN Steering Committee elects from its members the WCCN Operations Committee (§7) in the first session, which must take place within 2 weeks after the WCCN General Assembly.
- At a WCCN Steering Committee meeting, at least 5 committee members must be present to be considered quorate. If this quorum is not met, the chairperson of the meeting, at their discretion, can still continue the session and address the agenda. The resolutions made have a provisional nature and must be finally confirmed by the entire membership of the Steering Committee in a subsequent meeting with sufficient attendance. Alternatively, written consent for the provisional resolutions can be obtained after the respective minutes are delivered. Non-response within the given timeframe after sending the minutes is automatically considered as approval of the provisional resolutions.
- Voting usually takes place by a simple majority of the votes cast, unless a different voting procedure is decided by a majority.
- In the event of a tie, the WCCN Network Coordinator’s vote decides. The WCCN Steering Committee reports to the WCCN General Assembly of Members on its activities and accounts for the association’s management.
- The WCCN Steering Committee can enact rules of procedure detailing its work.
- The WCCN Steering Committee can appoint additional people to support its work. The WCCN Steering Committee is also authorized to establish committees, commissions, or working groups and determine their members. The establishment, competencies, composition, and operation of these additional bodies are determined by the WCCN Steering Committee. These additional bodies operate within the statutes and have the obligation to report regularly on their activities and decisions to either the WCCN Steering Committee or the WCCN General Assembly of Members. The term of the members of the additional bodies is set by the WCCN Steering Committee.
- The actions of the members of the WCCN Steering Committee must align with WCCN’s objectives and ethos. The WCCN Steering Committee has the right to distance itself from actions by individuals that do not align with WCCN’s objectives or ethos. Violations against the statutes or objectives can be sanctioned, e.g., by warnings, restrictions of powers, or expulsion from the WCCN Steering Committee or WCCN. In certain cases, there may be an obligation for damages.
§7 The WCCN Operations Committee
- The WCCN Operations Committee is elected by the WCCN Steering Committee for a term of three years and consists of five members: a Network Coordinator, a Program Coordinator, an Administrative Coordinator, a Communications Coordinator, and a Diversity and Multiculturalism Coordinator.
- The term of the Operations Committee ends with the statutory election of a new Steering Committee. During the transition period until the statutory re-election of an Operations Committee (as per §6.3) – re-election is permissible – elected members of the Operations Committee may only be active for internal affairs of the association or hand them over. During this transition, it is not permitted to conclude or represent legal transactions externally.
- If a member prematurely leaves the WCCN Operations Committee, the position can be filled on an interim basis by the WCCN Steering Committee for the duration of the electoral term.
- The WCCN Operations Committee manages WCCN’s affairs and may decide on behalf of the WCCN association to maintain the association’s operations. These decisions must be promptly communicated to the WCCN Steering Committee, which has the right to review, modify, or revoke them. The specifics of this process, including any consequences already arisen, will be regulated in a separate set of rules.
- For the Operations Committee to decide on matters requiring a collective decision, at least three members must be present.
- Voting is usually done by a simple majority of the votes cast unless a different voting procedure is unanimously agreed upon.
- In case of a tie, the vote of the Network Coordinator decides.
- The WCCN Operations Committee can appoint additional people to support its work.
- The WCCN Operations Committee can enact rules of procedure detailing its work.
- The members of the WCCN Operations Committee are individually authorized to act and are responsible for independent actions. Their actions must align with WCCN’s statutes and objectives. An individual’s duty to inform the WCCN Operations Committee exists. The WCCN Operations Committee has the right to distance itself from actions by individuals that do not align with WCCN’s objectives or ethos. Violations against the statutes or objectives can be sanctioned, e.g., by warnings, restriction of powers, or expulsion from the WCCN Operations Committee or WCCN. In certain cases, there may be an obligation for damages.
§8 Contributions
Contributions are levied from the WCCN members. The amount and conditions of the membership fees, including possible exemptions or reductions, are regulated in a separate fee schedule, which is decided upon by the WCCN General Assembly.
§9 Dissolution of WCCN
- The dissolution of the WCCN association can only be decided in a WCCN General Assembly of Members with a majority of three-quarters of the votes cast.
- In the event of the dissolution or termination of the WCCN association, or if its tax-privileged purposes cease to exist, the assets of the WCCN association shall be transferred to a legal entity under public law or another tax-privileged organization that demonstrably meets the requirements of German charitable status. This institution is obliged to use the association’s assets exclusively for the support of choir conductors, choir group leaders, or individuals interested in choir conducting in their training and further education, as well as for measures of a therapeutic nature, inclusion, and integration in the field of choir conducting and choir group leadership.
§10 Data Protection Declaration
- WCCN collects and uses personal data of its members, donors, event participants, and other individuals who interact with the association, strictly in accordance with legal provisions or with the consent of the individual concerned. The collected personal data can include names, addresses, email addresses, phone numbers, images, and other relevant contact details. This data is used solely for the purposes for which it was collected, e.g., for member administration, communication, event organization, or fulfilling legal obligations.
- WCCN generally does not share personal data with third parties unless it’s necessary for the fulfillment of the mentioned purposes or if there is a legal obligation to do so. In such cases, data protection provisions are adhered to and appropriate measures are taken to ensure the data remains protected.
- Personal data is stored only for as long as necessary for the purposes for which it was collected, unless there are legal retention requirements. After the expiration of the retention periods, the data is deleted or anonymized.
- Affected individuals have the right to obtain information about the data stored about them, to request its correction or deletion, or to limit its processing. Furthermore, they have the right to object to the processing of their personal data and to revoke their consent to the processing at any time. To do this, they can contact team@wccn.online.
§11 Effective Date
These statutes were adopted by the WCCN General Assembly on November 11, 2023, with an amendment on February 28, 2024, and will come into effect upon registration in the association register.
NOTE: The statute of the WCCN has been written in German, corrected, and legally reviewed. In the case of any errors in translation, changes in meaning, or linguistic misunderstandings, the German version of the constitution shall be considered the binding and authoritative version.
The registration in the German association register took place on March 15, 2024.