Dr. Lorissa Mason is the Director of Choral Activities at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock, where she directs the choral ensembles and teaches conducting and music education courses. Prior to her appointment at UALR, Dr. Mason directed the undergraduate chamber choir and the University Singers and taught undergraduate conducting and music education courses at the University of Missouri Kansas City Conservatory as a graduate teaching assistant. Dr. Mason’s research covers a variety of topics, with a focus on the pedagogy of conducting. During her conducting career, Dr. Mason has conducted workshops and performances throughout the United States and abroad. She often receives invitations to speak to young conductors and future music educators and has been a guest lecturer on campuses across the United States. (https://www.lorissamason-conductor.com)
Why WCCN? I believe in providing choral opportunities at every level, and I seek a world-wide community of choral collaborators.
Mail: mason@wccn.online