WCCN Steering Committee elected!

The first Steering Committee of WCCN has been elected. The committee members are: Prof. Andrea Angelini (Italia) – Prof. Thomas Caplin (Norway) – Kamil Gojowy (Poland) – Prof. Dr. Heike Henning (Austria) – Nils Jensen (Germany) – Memli Kelmendi (Kosovo) – Jereon Keymeulen (Belgium); Klaus Levermann (Germany) – Prof. Lorissa Mason (USA) – Nicol Matt […]

WCCN officially established!

WCCN officially established! In an online meeting, the initiators and founding members addressed and approved network-related matters: the statute, code of ethics, and fee schedule (starting 2024) have been adopted. Additionally, the first Steering Committee was elected (see separate news). We cordially invite you to join our initiative and actively participate in shaping our content. […]